Aukus Shadow over Quad: Implications for India
Situation assessment as on 27/09/2021 | Price: Rs 600/-
On September 15, Australia, the UK and US announced formation of a trilateral security pact, AUKUS to deal with rapidly evolving threats and to share, with Australia, intelligence and advanced technologies. There is a view that AUKUS could compromise the Quad. The study examines India’s view that AUKUS won’t impact Quad; that AUKUS surprises analysts; questions around it; that it sends stronger message to China than the Quad; target of the alliance is China; a view that India should welcome ANKUS; lessons for India; that there is a role for India in healing the AUKUS divide etc
Situation assessment for the week ended 27 September, 2021 (3,026 words)
Price: Rs 600/-
Date of SS: 27, September 2021